Friday, January 13, 2012

A Disagreement With My Girlfriend is Hurting Our Relationship (about the future, jobs, ect)?

You cannot allow her to tell you to give up on what you want. It sounds like she is looking to settle down, get married and have kids within the next few years. You won't be in that position until you finish school, if you don't think that she will compromise or stop harping on you. Then you may need to separate. You shouldn't be "sidetracking" her life by trying to have one of your own. You are only 21, funny you didn't mention her have a lot of years ahead of you. You need to look out for yourself and what is best for you. I am sorry that I have to say it like this. I understand what it means to care very deeply for someone, but if they don't want what is best for you BOTH, then it can't last.


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