Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sister in law drama HELP?

We have a two year old son who loves his grandparents more than anything. And they love and spoil him to death! They ask me to bring the baby over all the time. anyways... i was over there cooking dinner for the whole family! (i get bored cooking for 2 1/2) sooo... my SIL (sister in law) came storming in the house and said "I hope you have enough for my friends that are coming over." of course i didn't. then she opended the fridge and spilt what was in the side door. and then said "god dammit kristina pick up this f*ing mess." and i told her to do, so she let the dogs lick it up. i was floored. So i went outside for a breath before i killed her, and then came back in cooked dinner and then we ate. i cleaned up dinner and was getting the babys stuff together, and she said "Hey why don't you stop bringin that kid over here i can't sleep when he's here, i don't know why you can't take care of your own child, and when you have the next kid i am moving out" WE LIVE FAR AWAY


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